Before the Advice Process Starts
1Triage Stage
It is important for Pensionhelp Direct that the people we advise have an understanding about the risks involved in transferring away from a defined benefit scheme before the advice process starts.
The first stage for us is the Triage stage. This will provide you with clear and unbiased information about defined benefit pensions and the alternative options. It will give information about the risks involved, the charges and the generic advantages and disadvantages of each option. The purpose of this stage is to give you sufficient information about the different options to allow you to make a judgement as to whether further investigation of the transfer route would be in your interests.
In this part of the process we will ask you to watch a short video and read our guide. We will also ask you to confirm your understanding before you are able to proceed to the ‘Fact Finding’ Stage.
2Fact Finding
If you confirm your understanding in the Triage Stage, we will need to start gathering information about your circumstances, needs and objectives. We will ask you to complete our Confidential Financial Review and then arrange a telephone appointment with one of our Initial Case Handlers.
We will call you at the time of the appointment and check the details that you have provided. We may also ask you to collect additional information at this point if you do not have it such as fund values of your investments or accurate details of your state pension.
Regulated Advice
3Advice Team Research
Once the Initial Call Hander has completed their call with you, your details will be forwarded to the advice team. At this point the advice team will decide if any further information is required from you or from the scheme under review. They may need to contact you for further information, or to discuss your goals in greater detail. It is not unusual for us to have to contact you on more than one occasion as part of this research stage.
4Your Personalised Charges
Once we have details of the schemes under review, we will be in a position to calculate our fees. We will present this to you in a document called ‘Personalised Charges Document’. Once you have reviewed this you will be in a position to decide whether you accept the charges. This is the point in the process where you are asked to decide if you wish to proceed and where you commit to our charges.
5Prepare Preliminary Report
If you accept the details contained in the Personalised Charges Document we will continue with our research, and in due course make a decision on our advice. Where we do not believe that it would be in your best interests to transfer or where your circumstances are unclear, we may issue an ‘Abridged Advice Report’ (this is a shortened form of advice) this type of advice can only be used where we do not believe that transfer is in your interests.
We may also complete a Full Advice Report. When a Full Advice Report is completed, it is initially in ‘draft’ form as we need to confirm your understanding before we can proceed.
6Affirmation Call
When the Preliminary report is completed, we will contact you to discuss the contents. During this call we will ensure that the advice is in line with your needs and objectives and we will also check your understanding of the advice and that you are clear on the risks involved in proceeding with our advice. This affirmation call has to take place before we can issue our finalised advice.
7Suitability Report
Following the ‘Affirmation Call’ we may need to make some changes to our preliminary report. Once these are completed we will then issue our suitability report alongside any documents such as the forms to take the scheme pension or the forms to transfer away from the scheme. If you wish to proceed with the advice we have provided then you will need to check the documents and complete and return them to us.
8Transacting the Advice
Where we have advised an action such as to take the scheme pension or to transfer the pension we will complete various administrative acts to complete the advice. This will include sending the various forms to the relevant parties. If we have recommended transfer, the scheme has 3 months to arrange the transfer, although the trustees of the scheme may make various requests which may delay the payment of any transfer value to a new scheme.
Things you can do to help make our meetings run smoothly.
What We Discuss
What we need from you before we can give advice.
Questions About Our Service
Find the answers to previously asked questions about the Pensionhelp Direct Service.
Areas We Can't Help
Please check our terms as there are some areas where we cannot provide advice.